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Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP) Communicate the Value Offering Assignment

Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP) Communicate the Value Offering Assignment

Q To review the assignment information, click on the document name to view or download the document. Scroll to view or download the embedded rubric. Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP): Communicate the Value Offering Assignment Instructions Download Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP): Communicate the Value Offering Assignment Instructions Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. For more information about Turnitin, click here (Links to an external site.). LUO Submission Policy The first submission of this assignment will be used for grading. If you need an exception to this policy, please contact your faculty member. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 7: Week 7. MARKETING MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (MMIP): COMMUNICATE THE VALUE OFFERING ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Each student must complete an individual marketing project. Your first task is to select a project topic. No two students will work on the same product/service. This must be an existing product, service, or organization. INSTRUCTIONS Each project installment must include a title page that has the name of the project topic in it. Each of the five questions should be numbered and written out in its entirety in the pages that follow. The entire document (all five questions, combined, but not counting references) should be at least 600 words (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced), and include a separate references page. All content must show direct application to the topic and exclude definitions of terms and general explanations of generic marketing topics. The assignment should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. When completing an assignment for a given module, view the entire course textbook (all chapters) as a resource for the assignment, meaning it may be necessary to locate assignment-related material in chapters other than those corresponding with the module in which the assignment is located. While the effort has been made to ensure that all material necessary for assignment completion is found in the textbook, contact the instructor immediately if information needed to complete the assignment cannot be located in the textbook. The instructor will then provide instructions on locating the required material. Quotes must be minimized and long quotes (40 words or more) avoided. Outside sources to be cited include scholarly marketing journals (Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, etc.), practitioner publications, and the course textbook. Assignments must be submitted though Turnitin. Questions Q1. Explain the elements of your promotional mix. (Ch. 13) Q2. Explain whether you use a push or pull promotional strategy, or a combination of both. (Ch.13) Q3. Discuss your use of digital, mobile, or social media marketing. (Ch.13) Q4. Discuss the elements of your advertising message. (Ch. 14) Q5. Explain your use of sales promotion, public relations, live events, publicity, or personal selling. (Ch. 14)

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Q1. Explain the elements of your promotional mix. The online retail products of Amazon will be promoted via application of available and newly created direct marketing channels (Jabr, 2021). This is because there can be consumers waiting in different untapped target markets in international and national locations to select as well as consume these products. Online platform via e-commerce by the organization will be the medium of direct marketing for consumers. Then there will be public relations in which the organization will show concentration in. This is because there can be continuous discussions about the online retail products and the organization by the general public as well as individuals involved in social media. The maintenance of public relations will be important to make marketing become effective in future (Marshall & Johnston, 2019). There will be promotions done via sales by offering diversified products newly designed. There can be promotions done also by offering of discounts to existing as well as new customers of the organization, especially during festive seasons (Helmold, 2020). Traditional advertising will not be something to be ignored because of ways in which activeness of such a promotional tool can lead to effectiveness obtained in promoting the online retail products. Q2. Explain whether you use a push or pull promotional strategy, or a combination of both. There will be a combination of both push as well as pull promotional strategy utilized and applied by the organizational members to ensure that customers can value the online retail products. This is because there will be e-commerce platform utilized by the organization to conduct push strategy. This is because the online retail products will be directly moved by the organization to a direction in which the consumers would accept the products. There will be costs of production decreased and kept consistently low as much as possible by the organization so that consumers can be offered lowest prices (Helmold, 2020).